The Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance’s Education and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committees are seeking presenters for the 2023-2024 Perinatal Bereavement Webinar Series. Presenters are invited to share evidence-based clinical practice, research, and experiential opportunities that reflect the theme of increasing inclusivity in perinatal bereavement care to families within an interprofessional team. We invite submissions from those seeking the chance to share their work with an interprofessional audience using a webinar-based format. 

Download the full Call for Proposal here!

Deadline is May 1, 2023. 

Webinar Objectives

  • Explore ways of increasing inclusivity in perinatal bereavement care to families.
  • Explore ways of increasing inclusivity/diversity among health care provider teams.
  • Identify skills for working within an interprofessional team when providing care for bereaved families.
  • Examine ways of promoting health equity through health care access and quality in the perinatal population.
  • Discuss trauma related to death, unexpected outcomes, and insensitive care during childbearing.
  • Explore communication skills appropriate for the perinatal period.
  • Describe grief and bereavement in diverse populations.
  • Provide opportunities for relationship building. 
  • Explain principles and practice of self-care.
  • List ways of translating research findings into clinical practice to promote a compassionate standard of care for bereaved families.
  • Provide opportunities for relationship building among parent advocates, educators, clinical care providers, and researchers.

Proposals will be reviewed by members of the Education and DEI Committees using these criteria:

  • Topic is innovative and relevant to perinatal bereavement care.
  • Submission focuses on one or more of these areas: clinical practice, research, education, and/or advocacy.
  • Time allocation and presentation content are well organized. 
  • Presenter has appropriate and relevant presentation experience.
  • Learning objectives are measurable (i.e., using verbs such as discuss, describe, list, explain; avoid the verb “understand”).
  • Participants are likely to have significant interest in the session.
  • Presentations should include experience of/perspectives from diverse populations regardless of topic (example: if the topic is “keepsake collection” DEI perspectives on how keepsakes are offered and culturally sensitive approaches are highlighted.)

Speaker Submission Requirements

  • The series will consist of 6 webinars scheduled September 2023 through March 2024. They will take place on September 21, October 19. November 16, January 18, February 15, and March 21 from 3-4 pm CST. We are unable to accommodate specific requests for presentation scheduling, so speaker must be available for at least two dates. The webinar is presented live and will include time for questions.
  • Speaker must also be available for a webinar rehearsal session with Event (webinar) Planners, one week prior to their scheduled presentation.  
  • Submission is limited to a maximum of 2 speakers per proposal. All speakers are required to be present during the webinar.
  • Speakers must have access to 
    • a computer with camera and microphone
    • Internet service
    • Zoom platform
    • pleasant lighting (e.g., daylight, an “O” ring light), and a designated quiet space to conduct the webinar
    • Speaker will email handouts (pdf) to organizers two days prior to the rehearsal session.
    • Speaker will receive an honorarium of $500. Two speakers will divide that amount. 
    • Sessions will be recorded and available to view through the PLIDA website for member purchase (subject to presentation content).

Topics of Interest

Webinar planners are looking for proposals on the following topics: 

  • Healthy Equity
  • Culturally diverse practices: how to incorporate and/or support programs that highlight, encourage, teach, and provide culturally diverse care.
  • Bereavement support at different times of childbearing (prenatal, labor & delivery, postpartum, subsequent pregnancy)
  • Disparities in perinatal care/bereavement support in underserved maternal populations (LGBTQ+, BIPOC-identifying, gestational carriers)
  • Evaluation of systemic racism as a barrier to implementation of perinatal palliative care practices
  • Maternal death
  • Anti-racism advocacy in perinatal palliative care
  • Perinatal and neonatal palliative care
  • Self-care, caregiver grief or suffering in perinatal care, moral distress
  • Traumatic or complicated bereavement
  • Types of loss (miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal, infant death)


Download the full Call for Proposal here, complete the enclosed forms, and submit as your proposal: 

* Educational Planning Table
* GAP Analysis Form
* Biographical and Conflict of Interest Form (one per speaker*)

  • The Educational Planning Table, GAP Analysis Form, and Biographical and Conflict of Interest Form are required to award continuing education credits. PLIDA Educational Specialist will be applying for continuing education credits for nurses, social workers, psychologists/therapists, and physicians. 
  • Webinar presentations must include 15 minutes for audience questions as part of this 60-minute session.
  • All forms must be typed; handwritten documents will not be accepted.
  • Submission is limited to a maximum of 2 speakers per proposal.
  • Webinar planners will not review incomplete, incorrect, or late submissions. 
  • Please submit completed forms via email to [email protected] by May 1, 2023

*Note: PLIDA recognizes highest completed degrees only. Please do not use degree candidacy in your credentials [e.g., DNP(c)]. This is standard practice in most universities and colleges as a way of recognizing the work that goes into degree completion.

Notification of Decision

Those who submit a proposal will receive email notification of the reviewers’ decision no later than June 1, 2023. Those selected to present a webinar will receive an agreement and presenter information packet with the notification.